Most of the time I am at peace with the process. Some paintings I love and some not so much. Either way it’s ok. They are not necessarily here to be themselves, disconnected from all the others. They are here to teach and to lead the way to the ones that can stand alone. There are so many elements: stay loose, stay consistent, be open, listen, paint the way you know how to paint, let yourself paint differently, blah blah blah. The repetition keeps some parts consistent so the other parts have room to change.
Sometimes it’s the same thing - the same painting - over and over because I’m so busy I can’t give it the attention it needs to grow. Sometimes all I can do is use the same palette from yesterday, play around with it, remember there is this big thing that is trying to come, and take that knowledge into my life and make room for it. They’re like placeholders. Sometimes all I can do is toss out placeholders: ‘Hey! Hey! This again. Me again. Still waiting.'
So I make a placeholder and get back to the work in front of me.