
 There are so many ways to make art.

Sometimes it is about how beautiful the world is, or something in it. Other times it starts with a feeling and builds from there. It can be light and fun or it can be about being in and experiencing the very hardest things. Sometimes it's like a difficult conversation that is hard and scary to begin, but then it happens and it changes you, and if you stay open and willing, it heals you.

I love the process, I love writing about it and reading about it and talking about it, and most of the time I love doing it. It’s life, distilled. The mechanics of your life may or may not involve mixing yellow ochre with magenta, but the bones are the same. We look for the things that move us. We try to move closer to those things and to make room for them. This can be incredibly difficult, but easier when we remember that we are all in this together.